The Guardians of Peace: The Crucial Role of Human Rights Defenders in Building a Peaceful World

By Noelyn Tracy Nassuuna

International Peace Day has come and gone, but the mission of building and sustaining peace continues every single day, especially for human rights defenders (HRDs) around the world. These courageous individuals are often on the front lines, advocating for justice, equality, and human dignity in the face of adversity. Their work is crucial in addressing the root causes of conflict and promoting long-lasting peace.

Holding Regulators Accountable for Data Privacy and Protection in Uganda’s NGO Sector -DPI

By Helen Namyalo Kimbugwe and Noelyn Tracy Nassuuna

As Uganda heads toward a pivotal election season, the release of sensitive financial statements for Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) like Chapter Four Uganda has sparked intense debate. These disclosures carry significant implications for donors, NGOs, and the public, shaping trust, transparency, and operational stability.

What does this mean for NGOs operating in Uganda, their donors, and the communities they serve? How can transparency be balanced with protection in such politically charged times?

To delve deeper into these issues, download the full article now and stay informed about the future of civil society in Uganda.

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Protection of Environmental Defenders: Safeguarding Fundamental Rights and Environmental Sustainability 

Land and environmental defenders are some of the most passionate and committed people who unfortunately experience significant reprisals, as reported through our Seek Support portal. Instances of arbitrary arrests, harassment, physical attacks, and threats have hampered their work and forced many to withdraw from advocacy.

The survival of our environment and the defence of fundamental rights are interlinked with the protection of environmental advocate. Prioritising these crucial areas of protection is necessary to achieve these interconnected goals:

  1. Legal Protection: Instituting robust legal frameworks that explicitly safeguard the rights of LED proponents against discrimination, harassment, and violence. 
  2. Access to Justice: Guaranteeing access to justice for LEDs. This involves providing adequate legal resources and support to ensure that perpetrators are brought to justice.
  3. Context-Specific Responses: Recognizing the dynamic challenges faced by environmental defenders, it is crucial to tailor responses to their specific contexts and provide specialised training, resources, and protection mechanisms to address evolving threats.
  4. Inclusion in Climate Policy Formulation: Incorporating environmental protectors into the formulation of climate policies ensures that their voices are heard and their expertise is utilised. This inclusion not only strengthens policy effectiveness but also enhances the legitimacy of environmental governance.
  5. Recognition of Cultural Leaders and Custodians: Acknowledging the rights of cultural leaders and customary landowners as custodians of the land is essential. Their traditional knowledge and stewardship play a vital role in sustainable land management and conservation efforts.

Explore the diverse channels and tools of protection available to LEDs from DPI:

  • Land and Environmental Task Force (LEDTAF): A coalition of diverse organisations providing collective leverage for coordinated response mechanisms for LEDs. Services include legal aid, relocation and rapid response among others.
  • Kyotos (Fireside Chats): Community fireside chats provide a relaxed setting for dialogue, bringing together communities and relevant stakeholders to share information, mediate issues, and address grievances.
  • Digital Security and Security Management Training: To individuals and organisations to enhance operational effectiveness and ensure safety during advocacy efforts.
  • Talk to Your Regulator: Closing the awareness gap on NGO legal frameworks to improve operational efficiency and regulatory compliance for defenders and organisations in the environmental rights landscape.

Investing in Women’s Safety and Security

We hope you were celebrated or honored by the women in your life, and we encourage you to continue this appreciation beyond Women’s Day.

Speaking of Women’s Day, this year’s theme, “Invest in Women: Accelerate Progress,” underscores the critical need for increased financing in gender equality efforts, including funding gender-responsive, green energy initiatives, and support for female and feminist changemakers.

These challenges notwithstanding, as experts in the fields of security, safety, and human rights, we have witnessed firsthand how the unique security risks and threats faced by women impede progress not only toward achieving equity but also in improving their overall quality of life.

Here are four impactful ways in which we can invest in women to accelerate progress through enhanced security and safety measures.

Enhancing  Responsiveness of Security and Justice Institutions 

According to a 2020 Violence Against Women and Girls Survey (VAWG) conducted by UBOS, a staggering 95% of women surveyed reported experiencing physical and sexual violence. Shockingly, only 45% of those who had experienced intimate partner physical and sexual violence chose to report it, primarily due to a deep-seated mistrust in the judicial system.

Despite efforts such as the establishment of Gender-Based Violence help desks by Uganda Police, significant gaps remain in addressing these issues effectively. There is an urgent need to bolster the responsiveness of law enforcement and judicial institutions in apprehending and prosecuting perpetrators. Strengthening these mechanisms is crucial in not only delivering justice to survivors but also contributing significantly to deterring future occurrences.

GBV Toll Free Helpline 0800199195

Support, NOT Survivor Blaming

The UBOS survey also revealed that the other reasons why women opted not to report physical/sexual abuse were fear of being blamed for the incidents and the threat of continued abuse or worse consequences by their abusers if they spoke up.

In light of these distressing findings, it is clear that women who have endured abuse and violations, need tools and assistance to cope, recover, and pursue justice, to help them navigate these harrowing experiences and gradually rebuild a sense of safety and stability in their lives. This can be informed by psychosocial support or training in basic self-defense skills among others.

Equipping Women with Knowledge and Skills to Navigate the Evolving Digital Landscape

In today’s rapidly evolving digital world, it’s crucial to empower women with the necessary knowledge and skills to navigate cyberspaces safely. This includes providing them with the tools to prevent, recognize, and respond to cyber-attacks effectively. Explore our website for digital security support options/offerings.

As more aspects of our lives move online, women are increasingly vulnerable to various forms of digital abuse, including hacking, cyberbullying, harassment, and online stalking. By skilling women in cybersecurity and digital safety, we can empower women to protect themselves against such threats and confidently engage in online activities.

Investing in Gender-Inclusive Tech for Safety and Security 

By allocating resources toward the creation and refinement of tech tools tailored to women’s needs, we can address existing safety concerns and foster a more inclusive digital environment. 

Here are a few we like; 

For blog article

Data Privacy and Protection: Essential Insights for NPOs.

Like other organisations/companies, Non-Profit Organisations (NPOs) collect and utilise data from their program participants, partners or donors. It is therefore imperative that they prioritize data privacy and protection.

Data privacy and protection essentially entail safeguarding sensitive personally identifiable information, covering data collection, storage, and organizational use. Data collected by NPOs may include details such as names, addresses, emails, and financial information. 

Here are key insights for NPOs as they navigate the landscape of data privacy and protection.

Why Data Privacy and Protection?

Data protection and privacy aren’t just checkboxes for NPOs; failure to safeguard sensitive information can lead to severe consequences, posing significant risks to organisations.

Loss of Data

Losing valuable data can be detrimental to an NPO’s operations. Whether it’s program participant information, donor records, or financial data, the loss of such information can disrupt essential activities and hinder effective decision-making. Additionally, recovering lost data can be a time-consuming and costly process. 

Financial Loss

Data breaches can lead to financial losses. NPOs may face financial liabilities associated with rectifying the situation. This could include expenses related to legal actions, regulatory fines, or compensating affected individuals. By implementing robust data protection measures, the risk of financial loss can be minimised and resources can be allocated to their core mission.

Damage to Reputation

NPOs and civil society organizations in general rely heavily on the trust and support of their stakeholders, including donors, partners, and the civil society at large. A data breach or mishandling of sensitive information can severely damage their reputation. Negative publicity, loss of trust, and public scrutiny can have long-term consequences. 

What to Do: Take Action

Digital Security

One of the primary steps in ensuring data protection is to prioritize digital security—measures to secure all data collected, processed, or stored electronically. This includes implementing robust firewalls, encryption techniques, and access controls to prevent unauthorized access or damage to sensitive information. Regularly updating security software and conducting vulnerability assessments can help identify and address any potential vulnerabilities in the organization’s systems. Additionally, establishing strong internal policies and educating staff about cybersecurity best practices can significantly enhance data protection.


It is crucial to provide data subjects with enough information to make informed decisions about the data collected from them to obtain informed consent. This includes being transparent about the purpose of data collection, how it will be used, and whether it will be shared with any third parties. This can be achieved through clear and concise privacy policies, consent forms, and opt-in mechanisms. 


Compliance with relevant data privacy and protection laws can minimise the risk of legal consequences and demonstrate their commitment to protecting individuals’ privacy.

The Personal Data Protection and Privacy Act 2019, spells out specific regulations on data handling. It may also be helpful for NPOs to familiarise themselves with international laws, such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), to stay informed about how data may be used by third parties operating under EU jurisdiction. This also ensures that they (NPOs) handle data from the same jurisdiction in a way that aligns with the required standards.

Where To Start: Available Resources 

  • At DPI, we provide training and capacity building in data privacy and protection specifically tailored for NGOs. Feel free to reach out to us here for assistance.
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The Strength of Strategic Coalitions: Showcasing the Impact of the Digital Security Alliance and NPO Coalition on FATF.

The pivotal role played by strategic coalitions in advancing our mission cannot be overstated. This month we highlight key wins of the Digital Security Alliance (DSA) and the NPO Coalition on FATF, shedding light on their contributions to empowering Human Rights Defenders (HRDs) and cultivating supportive ecosystems.

Digital Security Alliance (DSA)

Digital Security Clinics:

Through our Digital Security Clinics, we have significantly extended our impact in fortifying the cybersecurity resilience of HRDs. This month’s focus was on empowering grassroots HRDs and CBOs, which are most burdened with emerging digital challenges such as limited access due to slow or no internet connectivity, data loss, and the absence of enabling ICT hardware and infrastructure, such as cell towers and computers.

The Digital Security Clinics successfully fortified the digital security capacity of civil society organizations (CSOs) in the Eastern subregion, including the Pallisa Civil Society Organization Network (PACONET), Public Affairs Center of Uganda (PACUganda), Soroti, the Kapchorwa Civil Society Organizations Alliance, and the Joshua’s Cheptegei Development Foundation.

DSA served as the official digital security partner for the 5th edition of the Human Rights Convention hosted by Chapter Four Uganda and the 5th Annual Women’s Week hosted by Uganda Women’s Network (UWONET). These workshops addressed multifaceted issues, including limited access, insufficient digital literacy, and socio-cultural barriers discouraging women’s engagement with ICT.

NPO Coalition on FATF

Global NPO Consultation on Recommendation 8

The Global NPO Coalition on FATF played a pivotal role in the success of the “Risk and Consequence: The Future of FATF Recommendation 8 for Financial Integrity and Civil Society” conference. This convening brought together policymakers, standard setters, financial institutions, nonprofit organizations (NPOs), multilateral organisations, academics, and think tanks, all of whom contributed their input to the revision of the FATF Recommendation 8.

Furthermore, the Coalition submitted recommendations to the FATF Public Consultation on revisions to Recommendation 8 and its Interpretive Note. The approved revised standard clarifies the application of the risk-based approach, acknowledges sectoral self-regulation measures, and explicitly states that NPOs should not be considered obliged entities.

As we reflect on the achievements of the Digital Security Alliance and NPO Coalition on FATF, we are inspired to continue fostering alliances, enhancing outreach, and creating lasting impacts on the front lines of advocacy. The journey toward safeguarding human rights defenders remains a collective endeavor, and we look forward to the shared progress that lies ahead.


Harnessing the Potential of Collaboration and Partnerships for Social Impact

The significance of partnerships and collaborative efforts in advancing the goals and activities of civil society has become more evident than ever before. This month, we take a moment to reflect on the profound impact of collaboration and partnership in advancing our mandate.

Fostering Knowledge Exchange
In collaboration with the Civic Advisory Hub and the NPO Coalition on FATF – East and Southern Africa Chapter, we took a significant step forward in advocacy efforts for the adoption of a risk-based approach to the monitoring and legislation of NPOs in the context of countering terrorism financing.

During a successful webinar titled “Understanding NPO Risk Assessment on Terrorism Financing,” NPO leaders from the region shared their experiences, lessons learned, and criteria for NPO risk assessment working groups. Together, we explored the critical role that NGOs play in these assessments and discussed the essential qualities required for effective participation.

Empowering Communities through Digital Security: Our #RoadToFIFAfrica Journey
We embarked on an exhilarating regional campaign known as #RoadToFIFAfrica, spanning from Kampala to Nairobi, Mombasa, and culminating in Dar es Salaam. Throughout this journey, we actively connected with local communities, students, CBOs, and NGOs to address the vital topic of digital security. Our mission was clear: to equip individuals and organizations with essential digital security skills, provide them with valuable tools and knowledge, and empower them to navigate the digital world safely and confidently.

Championing Internet Freedom at FIFAfrica23
With support from CIPESA Uganda and in collaboration with Encrypt Uganda, and HRD Andrew Gole, our commitment to digital security extended to Africa’s largest gathering on Internet freedom, the Forum for Internet Freedom in Africa (#FIFAfrica23). Through the Digital Security Alliance, we extended digital security support to some of the brightest minds in Africa and worldwide, fueling their tireless efforts to safeguard internet freedom both on the continent and globally.

Multi-Sector Support and Collaboration
In addition to these dynamic initiatives, we maintain active engagement with key government ministries and agencies including the Financial Intelligence Authority (FIA) and the National Information Technology Authority (NITA-U) among others.

Our objective is to provide valuable sector insights and foster collaboration to create an enabling and supportive environment for Human Rights Defenders(HRDs) and activists. Through our regional “Talk To Your Regulator” sessions, we aim to strike a delicate balance between fostering compliance and preventing excessive regulation. We achieve this by creating awareness among NGOs about their legal compliance requirements and responsibilities while also engaging regulators on the unintended consequences that overly restrictive regulations can have on the sector. Our ultimate goal is to ensure that members of civil society can effectively fulfill their missions. This month’s engagement took place in Hoima, marking another milestone in this ongoing effort.

Suffice it to say that our journey this month underscores the power of collaboration and partnerships in driving transformative change and fostering social impact. Here’s to more partnerships and collaborations ahead.

Assessing The Levels of Risk

Assessing The Levels of Risk to Which Human Rights NGOs Were Exposed to After Adoption Of Technology Tools For Business Continuity

A week after the World Health Organisation (WHO) declared COVID 19 a global pandemic, Uganda registered its first case. A month later, the disease was widespread across the country, prompting the operationalization of WHOrecommended and Government-imposed emergency measures to contain the spread of the virus. These included partial and eventually total lockdowns, a ban on social gatherings of more than five people, the shutdown of public transport, air travel, and the closure of businesses except for vital sectors like food and health.
To ensure continuity of operations, NGOs, much like other businesses/organizations across the globe, had to heavily depend on digital tools to continue operations which led to the “Zoom-Era.” The era of working from home/remotely aided by digital applications like conferencing platforms like Zoom, which allows for up to 500 participants, voice, and video, messaging apps, and digital collaborative workspaces in the absence of offices and physical engagement.

For the highly tech-driven economies from the developed world, this transition was undoubtedly an inconvenient adjustment; unfortunately for developing countries like Uganda, with substantial deficiencies in ICT infrastructure, where only a sixth (1/6) of the population has access to the internet, and 36% of the non-internet users are digitally illiterate1, it was nothing short of a catastrophe.

The Not-for-profit sector was one of those hardest hit by this transformation since the bulk of their work entails awareness and capacity building engagements, socio-civic advocacy/activism, community meetings, and outreach. This study, therefore, sought to investigate the digital security risks associated with the adoption of technological tools given the human rights landscape in Uganda and against the backdrop of the COVID pandemic.

The study targeted 50 NGOs across the country. To obtain comprehensive data sets, it necessitated the selection of respondents from both frontline officers involved in implementing day-to-day activities of human rights NGOs and critical decision-makers such as Executive Directors, Program Managers, Department Heads and Advocacy Officers.

Guided by the research questions; “Did the adoption of digital platforms expose NGO to any cybersecurity-related challenges? Was the adoption of digital platforms effective in NGOs’ business continuity?” we were able to obtain the following evidence.

Level of Exposure to Digital Tools Prior COVID 19

The research revealed that 50% of the respondents were moderately exposed to digital security tools before the COVID 19 lockdown. Frontline offices pointed out that their work primarily constituted physical engagements with their partners and beneficiaries, which limited the number of tech tools and frequency. The most commonly used digital tools were voice conferencing call facilities, voice over internet services like Skype, digital collaboration tools like Google Suite, Gmail, Google Drive, Google Meet, and Google Docs. Social media platforms including Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube. However, with the outbreak of COVID 19 and subsequent lockdown, NGOs had to adopt “new” tech tools and depend on the ones already in use more heavily to ensure business continuity. Respondents reported to have adopted video conferencing and collaboration platforms; Zoom, BlueJeans, Google Meet, Jitsi, KumoSpace, Microsoft Teams, and GoTo Meetings. These are mainly used to facilitate internal communication/conducting staff meetings (19%), communicate with participants (18%), conducting workshops (15%), communicating and liaising with donors (14%), and providing support to beneficiaries (14%)

Challenges Faced During and as a Result of Adopting Technological Tools

Facilitating business continuity, increasing efficiency, improving time management, and other benefits of tech mainstreaming notwithstanding, the adoption of tech tools was not without challenges. NGO heads reported internet interruptions as their biggest challenge. Interruptions were either unstable or, for the case of rural areas, non-existent networks—slow internet connections due to the minimal broadband coverage. 3G covers only 65% of the population, and LTE/4G covers only 17%.2 NGO staff in urban areas with access to 4G speeds that could support dataintensive apps like video conferencing tools were affected by the high cost of data. Individuals reported having spent on average 127,500 UGX per month purchasing internet data packages—a stretch for most middle seized NGOs without an internet budget big enough to cover 127,000 worth of data for each staff. The above interferences are compounded by frequent power cuts, which affect enabling ICT hardware and infrastructure such as the cell towers, desktops, MiFis, and modems.

Exposure to Digital Security Risks

Much like the COVID 19 pandemic, the adoption of tech tools and mainstreaming of ICT were novel. The timing and abrupt nature of the circumstances also did not allow for adequate preparation and training on using the digital tools and digital security concerns. These, therefore, paused unprecedented risks. 98% of the respondents reported having been exposed to some sort of digital security risk. Of the reported cases, we deduced that 52% of these were exposed to digital threats while using personal computers as opposed to the 48% who faced threats while using organization-provided computers. It was inferred from the findings that the organizations whose works centres on social development, justice, law and order, health, education, ICT, and accountability reported digital threats more frequently. However, this comes as no surprise, especially in the Ugandan context, whose civic environment is marred by intimidation, torture, and killing of social justice leaders, illegal detentions and evictions, and a restrictive legal framework, among others. However, the research findings highlighted the varying degree in threat level exposure as experienced by different genders and reaffirmed the disproportionate impact of COVID 19 on women and children. This is evidenced by NGOs operating in the thematic area of Women’s rights and reporting the most frequent (26%) exposure to digital security risks from using technology tools adopted during COVID-19 lockdown.

Forms of Digital Security Risks/ Threats

Service disruptions
Online harassment
Lack of privacy
Loss of data
Unauthorized access to organizational documents
After service disruptions (41%), online harassment (13%) was the second most frequent risk respondents reported to have been exposed to due to the adoption of technology tools during COVID-19 lockdown. Others included; online harassment (13%), lack of privacy (8%), malware (8%), loss of data (6%), and unauthorized access to organizational documents. (3%). Video Conferencing digital tools registered the highest incidences of exposure to digital security risks. Respondents reported multiple “Zoom bombing” incidents during which offensive or Not Safe For Work (NSFW) material was displayed during organizational meetings, hacking into video conference meetings by uninvited persons and impersonation.

Reporting and Resolution of Digital Security Incidents

The research also highlighted acute digital literacy levels and the urgent need for increased digital security support for NGOs. Of the 98% of respondents who reported exposure to digital risks, only 29% reported these exposures to their corporate ICT team, service provider, platform owner, or digital security group, the majority (70%) did not report these incidents primarily because they didn’t know that they could or because they did not know where to report.

Conclusion and Recommendations

While the adoption of new tech tools and increased digital streamlining in Human Rights Organisations was sparked by an emergency, the digital revolution has been growing and evolving over three decades and is here to stay. Pandemic or not, HROs, like other organizations, recognize the necessity of leveraging and repurposing digital tools for their work advocacy, service delivery, creative public demonstrations, and meeting emergent needs.
Additionally, it cannot be ignored that with the increased digitalisation are more significant digital threats both in terms of incidence and sophistication. With 98% of the respondents in this study indicating exposure to digital security risks and over 70% of these not reporting the incidents due to ignorance and absence of relevant digital security support, this demonstrates the vulnerabilities, threats, and risks HROs are potentially exposed to within the digital era
This study further exposes how the COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated digital inequalities and widened the digital divide between rich and poor, urban and rural, and vulnerable and privileged—evidenced by limited access to the internet, digital differentiation, participation gaps, and usage gaps marking the challenges of digitally disadvantaged organizations or communities who cannot take advantage the internet and who are at greater risk of falling behind their digitally resourced counterparts.

Nevertheless, however startling the findings, there-in lies opportunities for HRDs and social activists to;

  • Fill the service provision gap in digital security awareness and digital literacy.
  • Advocacy on digital inequalities and the associated social inequalities.
  • Leverage/develop need-specific digital tools. Tailored to advancing and supporting the work and needs of HRDs in Uganda