
Uganda Police in UShs 5bn spy deal

Police and Office of the President are in advanced stages of acquiring hi-tech surveillance software from Israel and Italy to begin large-scale spying on Ugandans, five years after the passage of the Interception of Communications Act, a leaked email by WikiLeaks reveals.


Lessons From the Mbabazi Petition Burglary Incident

After Uganda’s 2016 Presidential election, one of the former presidential candidates, Mr John Patrick Amama Mbabazi, made preparations to challenge the election results in the Supreme Court. The offices of his lawyers were however broken into in the night leading to the 9th of March 2016. Evidence for the petition was taken in documents and computer equipment. This incident obviously negatively affected the petition. There are conflicting opinions on the motive for the burglary and who the perpetrators of the burglary were.


The Digital Security Alliance

The Digital Security Alliance is a coalition of organisations and individual digital security experts working towards securing the digital assets of civil society, human rights defenders, journalists and other activists in the face of threats posed by powerful corporations, unscrupulous criminals, state and other non state actors.